NAMAZ – SALAH Fajr Zohr Asar Maghrib Isha Salat al-Ishraq (Post-Sunrise Prayer)Addons 2 Salat ad-Duha (Morning Prayer) 3 Salat al-Awwabin (Prayer of the Oft-Repentant) 4 Salat at-Tahajjud (Late-night prayer) 5 Salat at-Tasbih (Prayer of Glorification) 6 Salat as-Safar (Journey Prayer) 7 Salat al-Istikhara (Prayer for asking for Guidance/Advice) 8 Salat al-Hajat (Prayer for the fulfillment of a need) 9 Salat at-Tauba (Prayer for Repentance) 10 Salat at-Tahiyatul Wudu (Prayer of the Oft-Repentant) 11 Salat al-Khawf (Prayer of Fear/Danger) 12 Detailed Articles

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